My Weight Loss Journey


No workout yesterday, was my day off, I suppose. Went to the evening class tonight. I was a little apprehensive, due to the heat (it was still 100 degrees outside at 7pm), but it wasn’t so bad. However, there was a little breeze, that once drenched with sweat, actually felt good. lol

So the WOD (workout of the day) was as follows

50 double unders/box jumps (I did box jumps, hubby did double unders)

10 sit-ups (modified to crossfit standards)

40 double unders/box jumps

20 sit-ups

30 double unders/box jumps

30 sit-ups

20 double unders/box jumps

40 sit-ups

10 double unders/box jumps

50 sit-ups

All for time. Hubby got 9m 36s, I got 11m ? seconds (cannot remember).

Finishing out the workout was as many pushups as you could do for 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, eight rounds. BTW, 10 seconds goes REALLY fast! lol

And that completes day 5 at crossfit. Will be back again in the morning 🙂


Yesterday, I ate out, and had a caramel mocha, so my calorie intake wasn’t where it should have been. And no working out of any sort.

Moving on 🙂

Today was day 4 at crossfit, and officially one week into the program. Here is what we did today (btw, this one was REALLY hard.) I even got some pictures to share this time! yay!

Me...working through it

Me...working through it

25 box jumps

Box Jumps

Box Jumps

25 incline push-ups (with feet up on the box)

Pistol Prep

Pistol Prep

25 pistol prep (modified squat)

25 burpees. I’ve included a linke to a youtube video demonstration..they’re AWFUL!!! lol

Ok, that doesn’t sound so bad, right? Well it was 5 rounds. For time. I finished in 28m 22s. My son did his in 17m 46s.

We also did a static arm hang, I managed a measley 8s the first time and 16s the second time. Kiddo did 1m 30s…impressive.

So far, my calorie intake is on target for the day, so I’ll keep it up and lose some weight!

Oh…I also did my measurements, and found that I’ve actually lost a couple inches overall. Nice!

Incline Pushup

Incline Pushup

I did more measurements this time than last time…I want to see what my results are ALL over!

Chest- 35 1/2 Bust- 35 Waist- 28 1/2 Low waist (think low-rise jeans)- 32 1/2 Hips- 38 1/2 T Thighs- (L)23 (R)23 Calves- (L)14 (R)14 1/2 Arms- (L)11 1/2 (R)11 1/4 Knee- (L)15 (R)15 1/2 (just above knee)

Weight 133.5 (not surprising after my bad food yesterday, and maybe…possibly…a little muscle gain???


Day 3 of crossfit. Today we didn’t really did a workout, but more testing to see where we are, so we can measure how far we get. So here’s what I did:

5 minutes of jump rope to get warmed up

Successfully jumped 5x on the 24″ box

1m 28s arm hang

20 push-ups (girl style, but with arms pulled in under chest, instead of wide)

Bench press 75 lbs.

Oh….and I got this impressive owie. It doesn’t look like much, but it hurts pretty bad. I was attempting 26″ on the box jump, and slipped 😦

Soreness is almost gone, pretty much back to normal now…except for my limp due to the calf scrape above.

I ate really well yesterday. I haven’t added up the calories yet, but I’m pretty sure I stayed under 1,500.


Well yesterday was a good day. I didn’t go to crossfit, I was way too sore, but I did go swimming and walk, which I’m sure helped to loosen my muscles a bit. I also ate well (except for the ice cream and caramel right before bed, lol)….ok I was wrong. I just went over my calories for yesterday, and it was 1628. YUK! Oh well, today is a new day, and I will eat better.

Oh…and I’m actually drinking water….about 40oz a day. I know that’s not as much as they say I need, but it’s much better than the 6oz I used to drink. That’s just strictly water, no other fluids.

I’m still sore today, but expect to feel much better tomorrow, and will be at crossfit in the am 🙂

Good morning. Just a short time ago, I finished day 2 at crossfit. Today was the ‘Angie’ workout, and it consists of:
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats (yeah, on my already dying legs)
100 pull ups

I did all 100 of everything, and my time was 14m3s. My oldest son did it in just over 10 minutes…wow.
I think I will not be able to get out of bed tomorrow, but it will be worth it.

I decided to take some ‘before’ pictures, so I can see how far I am progressing with crossfit. I don’t think it’s very professional to post them here, so I’ll save them for later. I also did my measurements. I’m not exactly sure where to measure, so I measured in several different places.
Weight 132.5
Hips 40″
Waist (at bellybutton) 29″
Low Waist (think low-rise jeans) 34″
Bust 37″
there were a couple of other areas I measured, but I’ll leave them out for now.
Have a great night. Tomorrow is day 2 of crossfit.


Well I did it. I went to CrossFit. I thought I might die, at one point, I was praying that I might trip and fall so I could be done….but wait, it’s so much rewarding to FINISH at the end….and that is exactly what I did. In 22 minutes and some odd seconds. That shocked me. I had to run….a mile, and do 4 other workouts in between, and I did it in less than an hour! lol. Hubby and I took the boys, they ran with us, sweat with us, and generally had a good time. It was physically one of the most demanding things I have ever done, since I rarely push myself. It felt good. My legs hurt like crazy today, and my back is a little stiff, but I’ll be back.


Well, my journey isn’t going so well…as you can see below, I ‘fell off’ the wagon…and haven’t even attempted to get back on. With summer here, I really am dreading putting on a swimsuit, even though we will be spending a TON of time at the pool and waterpark. I’m going to have to get motivated and start again. Every time I see the ring girls on the MMA fights or TUF (the ultimate fighter) I’m so reminded how out of shape I am, and where I could be with just a little bit of effort. So, I think I’m going to hang some pictures of the girls and use it as motivation to bring my body back to ‘fit’. I’d really like to get down about 20 lbs…so here goes….lol

Hubby got a new job, working on the gas fields in Utah, and has lost about 40 lbs in just a few months…also another reason why I need to start working on me….He looks so good!


I have not worked out since the 19th….sucks, but it’s true. Oh well, we are coming on a new (non-holiday) week and I will get back into the groove. I ate reasonably over the week…so it wasn’t a total loss…just not as good as I could have done. I found an awesome deal on mp3 players at, got two Sansa e250’s (one for me and one for hubby) for $60.00 (that’s for both of them). Last year, my son got this exact player and I know it cost around $120 just for ONE! So….that will just make going to the gym that much easier. I also got a great (free) deal on an ebook download, and I chose The Secret. I can’t wait to listen to it!


Well today was day two of the workouts. I made it on time (actually I was EARLY)! We had a different instructor today and her ‘routines’ were a little bit more confusing than the lady that did it last week…but that’s ok…keeps me on my toes. It keeps your body from getting too used to the repetition, and apparently, it makes you think while you’re working out. Seems like a good plan to me.

I was not too sore after Friday’s workout…a little stiff in the calves, but that’s about it. By this morning, they were not huring hardly at all. Tomorrow and Wednesday may be a different story. We did lunges today, and my backside already hurts…can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings! It is my plan to go to another step workout tomorrow, but we will have to see how I feel in the morning. I don’t want to over-do it…and then be miserable. I also don’t want to get all gung-ho, and burn myself out….just slow and steady.

It is my goal to lose 10 lbs over the holidays. I weighed in at the Y today, and their scale showed exactly what I was dreading…131lbs. I know that is not a lot to some, but come on…I’m only 5’2″. I still haven’t done measurements, but know I need to…I would like to be able to track my progress…maybe I’ll do that tomorrow if I don’t end up going to class…we’ll see. 🙂


I started today….we’ll see where it goes 🙂

Starting weight-132lbs….will try to get some measurements one of these days.

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